Cyber Monday shoppers: 4 million per minute

Online traffic surges 43% as Americans hunt for bargains from the comfort of their desk or home.
NEW YORK ( — Not satisfied with your holiday weekend shopping? Don’t worry, it’s Cyber Monday.

cybermondayIt is the day that e-tailers will furiously push big discounts, free gift cards, free shipping and any other gimmick they can think of to entice consumers to spend even more of their holiday shopping dollars online.

Shoppers seemed to be responding to these moves early Monday. (AMZN, Fortune 500) spokesman Craig Berman said its wireless Kindle e-reader was the “best-selling item across all of Amazon’s product categories on Monday.”

“This November has become the biggest month for Kindle sales since we launched the product two years ago,” Berman said. But he declines to disclose how many Kindle units have been sold over that period.

Also, Berman said the e-tailer sold out of its Cyber Monday deal of the day, which was an 8GB iPod Touch for $158.

Other hot sellers Monday included the hugely popular Zhu Zhu pet hamsters, which are sold on Amazon through third party vendors.

Although the retail price of each hamster is $9.99, Berman said some of the hamsters, such as Mr. Squiggles, were selling for as much as $63 each.

4.3 million shoppers a minute
By 2:20 p.m. ET, more than 270 retailing Web sites tracked by Internet monitoring firm Akamai were drawing more than 4.3 million visitors per minute in North America.

Akamai said that its Net Usage Index — which monitors North American visitors to sites such as American Eagle Outfitters,, and — said traffic was up nearly 39% compared to the same time last year.

“We expect an even bigger spike in traffic later today,” said Pedro Santos, chief strategist for e-commerce with Akamai. What’s more, Santos said he expects heavy online traffic to continue on subsequent Mondays leading up to the last shipping day before Christmas.

Here’s a sampling of what other sellers were serving up to customers. is offering nearly 150 specials on such items as flat panel TVs, gaming systems and toys as well as 97-cent shipping on laptops, digital cameras and MP3 players.

Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) said in a statement the deals are being offered through Friday, but only while supplies last. is offering a $10 gift card with every $25 purchase or more. is hoping that its offer of free shipping with every $75 purchase will draw big traffic to its Web site on Cyber Monday.

For book lovers, is chopping prices by 50% on all New York Times bestsellers and offering a $10 gift certificate for every $100 purchase.

Still, don’t expect any special deal on Barnes & Noble’s “Nook” eBook reader, which industry experts peg as one of the hottest products this holiday season.

A quick check on the book seller’s Web site showed that if you order the Nook Monday, it won’t be shipped until Jan. 4. And the “extra” incentive to Nook buyers is free shipping and a free gift certificate.

About 96.5 million Americans plan to shop online Monday, up from 85 million in 2008, according to the National Retail Federation.

The group said 88.2 million consumers will shop from home Monday but plenty of consumers — an estimated 13.5 million — will also look to lock in deals during their workday.

Despite these expected traffic numbers and heavy discounts, Cyber Monday is still seen as more of a ceremonial start to online holiday shopping.

The busiest online shopping day tends to be later in December, and is the last day that gifts can be shipped to guarantee delivery by Christmas Day

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Dari cerita diatas, dapat ditarik kesimpulan unsur Knowledge Management yang terdapat didalamnya yaitu :

Strategi penerapan KM yang dilakukan pada cerita diatas adalah pembelian online yang dapat dilakukan dirumah dan pemotongan harga besar-besaran dan pemberian bonus pada pembelian tertentu. Strategi pemasaran ini dinamakan Sunday Cyber yang ditujukkan untuk memeriahkan hari natal dan dalam meyambut liburan sehingga kado-kado dapat dipesan dan dibeli dari rumah dan ditunggu pengririmannya.

Strategi KM ini terbukti dengan membludaknya atau meningkatnya para peminat dan setiap konsumen tiap tahunnya pada tiap natal. Strategi online yang disebut Cyber Sunday ini hanya dilakukan setiap setahun sekali dalam meyambut natal dan didalamnya terdapat toko-toko yang menjual segala jenis bentuk hadiah atau produk dan terdiri atas banyak toko penjual.

Dengan adanya kemeriahan dan prospek dari peningkatan jumlah tiap pembelian membentuk suatu transfer knowledge beruapa tacit to tacit sehingga terbentuk dari adanya pengalaman dan strategi yang diterapkan sebelumnya untuk dapat meningkatkan mutu penjualan pada tahun berikutnya.

Pada gambaran kasus diatas telah menunjukkan perkembangan bisnis abad 21- yaitu era internet, terfokus pada kualitas HRm dan Tekhnologi. internet yang dapat menjangkau pasar seluas mungkin tanpa medominasi persaingan-persaingan pasar secara bebas pada pasar global.
management bisnis yang diterapkan sudah membentuk generasi ke – 2 yaitu perusahaan bergerak ke arah e-Business & ECommerce Enterprises yang menekankan pada penjualan online pada setiap produk dan mengumpulkan organisasi-organisasi penjualan ke dalam suatu wadah sehingga memudahkan konsumen dalam mecari kebutuhan yang diinginkan.

Pada penerapan implementasi Km diatas sangat terintegrasi dengan faktor budaya yang ada didalam organisasi. Penyetaraan budaya dan menjadikan 1 wadah dari beberapa organisasi yang berbeda merupakan hal yang juga sulit untuk diterapkan. tetapi pada kasus diatas penerapannya dilakukan atau diselaraskan pada 1 wadah/tempat. sehingga tidak terdapat bentrok atau faktor budaya yang mengahambat kemajuan dari Cyber sunday.

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